• Unsere Philosophie

    A Culinary Journey 
    Leidenschaft und Authentizität

    Bibap Manufacture was founded in 2025 as an extension of the Bibap restaurant, with the vision of producing essential ingredients of Asian cuisine regionally and organically.

     Driven by this vision, we have developed products that allow people to experience the unique flavors of Bibap at home, without compromising on high-quality standards. Bibap Manufacture draws inspiration from Korea’s centuries-old traditional production methods, using regular trips to the mountains and temples of Korea to preserve historical knowledge of Korean food and incorporate it into the modern world.

    In this way, we combine the authenticity of Asian cuisine with the principles of sustainability.It is important to us not only to use excellent ingredients but also to make a positive contribution to responsible and future-oriented nutrition – especially for future generations.

    Lokalisierung des koreanischen Geschmacks

    We discovered a great desire to produce the ingredients for Korean cuisine, in order to avoid long transport routes and also to revive the authentic natural taste. It is a great challenge to source all the ingredients for her products from nearby regions.


    After several years of learning to cook from some of the most experienced women in Korea, we felt we are mature enough to start producing our own food. Learning from the so-called "temple food" was the most exciting moment.

    Commitment to the Planet

    Wir bemühen uns, so umweltfreundlich wie möglich zu arbeiten. Genießen Sie unsere Produkte mit dem Wissen, Teil eines Kreislaufs zu sein, der die Menschen und den Planeten respektiert!


    Wir beziehen regionale Zutaten, um bewusst die lokale Wirtschaft zu unterstützen und unseren ökologischen Fußabdruck zu verringern.

    Wir bringen die Aromen unserer Region mit den von uns verwendeten Zutaten zusammen und bieten Ihnen authentische, gesunde und nachhaltige Grundnahrungsmittel der koreanischen Küche.


    Wir glauben fest an die natürliche Wirkung von Bioprodukten.

    Aus diesem Grund bemühen wir uns, unsere eigenen biologischen Produkte anzubauen, um den Boden langfristig fruchtbar zu halten und der Natur und ihren natürlichen Prozessen zu vertrauen.

    Wir wollen vor allem, dass unsere Kinder auch in Zukunft den puren Luxus natürlicher und gesunder Geschmacksrichtungen genießen können.


    The choice of packaging was one of the most challenging processes in our work.

    We deliberately opted for plastic packaging for our kimchi as it is the best solution from an environmental point of view: It enables more efficient transport, is made of recyclable material and requires fewer resources.

    Nevertheless, we are always on the lookout for the most sustainable packaging solution for our products.

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