우리의 철학

A Culinary Journey 열정과 진정성
Driven by this vision, we have developed products that allow people to experience the unique flavors of Bibap at home, without compromising on high-quality standards. Bibap Manufacture draws inspiration from Korea’s centuries-old traditional production methods, using regular trips to the mountains and temples of Korea to preserve historical knowledge of Korean food and incorporate it into the modern world.
In this way, we combine the authenticity of Asian cuisine with the principles of sustainability.It is important to us not only to use excellent ingredients but also to make a positive contribution to responsible and future-oriented nutrition – especially for future generations.
한국적인 맛 현지화
We discovered a great desire to produce the ingredients for Korean cuisine, in order to avoid long transport routes and also to revive the authentic natural taste. It is a great challenge to source all the ingredients for her products from nearby regions.

사원 음식
After several years of learning to cook from some of the most experienced women in Korea, we felt we are mature enough to start producing our own food. Learning from the so-called "temple food" was the most exciting moment.

Commitment to the Planet
지역 사랑
지역 경제를 의식적으로 지원하고 생태 발자국을 줄이기 위해 지역 재료를 조달합니다.
우리 지역의 풍미를 식재료와 결합하여 건강하고 지속 가능한 정통 한식의 맛을 선사합니다.

우리의 유기적 여정
저희는 유기농 제품의 자연스러운 효과를 굳게 믿습니다.
따라서 장기적으로 토양을 비옥하게 유지하고 자연과 그 자연적 과정을 신뢰하기 위해 자체 유기농 농산물을 재배하기 위해 노력합니다.
무엇보다도 우리는 아이들이 미래에 자연스럽고 건강한 맛의 순수한 사치를 누릴 수 있기를 바랍니다.

The choice of packaging was one of the most challenging processes in our work.
We deliberately opted for plastic packaging for our kimchi as it is the best solution from an environmental point of view: It enables more efficient transport, is made of recyclable material and requires fewer resources.
Nevertheless, we are always on the lookout for the most sustainable packaging solution for our products.